See the numbers - taste the violence (c) Krieg the Psycho. It's not a speedkill by any means, but the damage. It was the FIRST try I used this build As soon as Javelin hits midgets I switch my COM to a Blister COM to boost Fuel the Blood skill to make bloodsplosion damage even higher. So far I been able to solo Terra, Hyperion, Master Gee (Running around until the acid melts him) and I was lucky to get some sort of glitch while facing. Hey guys, so I am a relatively new comer, still on my first character (Gaige, lvl56) and I am having trouble trying to solo Voracidous. Preferably low level ones 4) Rubi + Love Thumper are used to get a quick melee kill to activate Fuel the Blood 5) Legendary Psycho is an important thing here - it makes you able to have up to 31 rockets in Tediore launcher's magazine 6) Throw-reload this "Javelin" 7) This was done just in case the damage it generates is not enough. Help a noob with tips to beat Voracidous The invincible.
#Voracidous the invincible strategy full#
Let's get a quick list of things required to do this: 1) Salt Meat classmod + Alkaline Turtle Shield to stay alive for as long as you need - you regain full health in no time 2) Something to stack up the Bloodlust (Storm in this case) 3) Slag Bouncing Betties/Bonnies/Crossfires. Here goes some sweet Tediore Launcher action boosted even further by swapping Krieg's classmods. Krieg the Javelineer vs OP8 Voracidous (because why not?) The Conference Call works great against Vora. Killing Ngwatu causes Vora to go berserk. Damaging Vora further will result in Chief Ngwatu transferring his shield to Vora.

Damage Vora untill a Chief Ngwatu appears. At level 72 we did it first try though, with worse equipment, for now i still think that level 50>72. Voracidous the Invincible strategy In order to face Vora, you need to pay 8 Eridium.

What we're doing right now is farm pete to try and get some legendary class mods, and if that doesn't work i'm thinking of trying to get a lot of health, it might work at lvl 50 who knows. Has anyone succesfully defeated Voracidous at level 50? (With maya/axton). The grog nozzle just doesn't heal enough for us to tank him, not to mention the fact that the bee is almost inutilizable because of that small "nova" he does just to interrupt the charge. The only legit way i've seen is overkilling him before he can even breathe. We want to beat him legit, this includes 1- No outside of the map glitches 2- No Immolate glitch (That was patched, wasn't it?) 3- No Ahab/flakker glitch 4- No Gunzerker 5- No Outsiders You get the point, we just wanna do it the "intended" way, but so far, nothing has helped us survive enough time, we have alkalyne shields, using the bee, using the sandhawk, using the grog nozzle, using the tresspasser. I'm playing as Maya and my friend is playing as Axton, we are at level 50 in tvhm, i'm starting to think that it's going to be easier at level 72 because of the faster weapon swap time, and more skill points his novas just one shot us anyway.